Thursday, January 3, 2013
Saint Germain to Me: About NESARA and the World Trust Fund by Méline Lafont
M: Can you give me some insights as to your Trust Fund and Nesara? Are these for real and is the World Trust Fund a part of Nesara?
SG. Of course, you may inquire about those issues and it will be my pleasure to reply. The World Trust Fund is something that is, albeit it slowly, emerging on your current world. It has to do with returning to Humanity, as a kind of recompensation, of the funds that have ever been taken from them but which were rightfully theirs. This Trust Fund has been established under my supervision and will remain solely under my supervision as long as the funds haven’t been released. I will be the one who will make the decisions in this regard and I wil decide when it will all come to pass.
This ‘when’ has been a long time coming ; there have been resistances and difficulties along the way, but I always considered the life and freedom of every soul as my top priority. First I had to be sure that everything and everyone remained unharmed and that they get the chance to experience a beneficial payment of that fund. This fund is not a fairy tale but a fact : the fund contains gold of immeasurable value which rightfully belongs to humanity. Once all greed and sources of evil have been fully removed it will be safe again to return these funds to their rightful owners : the whole of humanity.
I will decide on the subject when this will happen : I cannot determine in advance when exactly this will be, all I can say is that it will be determined in a mere second of your time. This time must be exactly right and the possibility is now increasingly becoming a probability as the sources of evil and the dark forces are as good as eradicated now. All in all there is a lot at stake and your safety is my top priority in this moment! Rest assured and have faith : you will certainly have the experience of this in these times of your incarnation.
We have moved very close now to a breakthrough of NESARA. By the way, NESARA is far more than just the World Trust Fund which in itself is only a part of NESARA. In general, NESARA is the freedom of humanity, the rediscovery of yourself, of your abilities, of your perceptions and of your connections with your Galactic Self and your family, which in itself has to do with Disclosure, NESARA also refers to having faith in yourself and in each other, in the perfect society in Love and Harmony. NESARA also implies a more refined and Higher Technology and a broader scale of scientific and spiritual knowledge. All this and more pertains to NESARA and it is the birthright of every human being! Hence my presence alongside you and the reason why I return it all to humanity.
This is also a global process for which I have worked for a very long time : many steps have gone awry in the past but with the removal of the most hazardous darkness, the way shall be cleared for this. I do not give any dates nor even a timeframe but let me ascertain you that it all draws nearer and that the first steps of this process have already been taken. President Obama plays a major role in this and with each passing day he gets more power to bring these issues to fruition. You have to confide in this president as he is the one that might get the job done, he works tirelessly to bring it forward; he is my ally in the matter of NESARA and in so much more and he knows all too well what is in store for him.
The last hidden veils have to be removed now before the playing field can be leveled, in consultation with the Collective of Humanity and than a big hope will well up in your hearts. Humanity is doing a great job of cleaning up the redundant rubbish, the latter referring to the personal, as well as the old collective patterns and even in these issues I ask you to give it time : you are actively involved in this and the finishing line of this is in sight.
This ‘when’ has been a long time coming ; there have been resistances and difficulties along the way, but I always considered the life and freedom of every soul as my top priority. First I had to be sure that everything and everyone remained unharmed and that they get the chance to experience a beneficial payment of that fund. This fund is not a fairy tale but a fact : the fund contains gold of immeasurable value which rightfully belongs to humanity. Once all greed and sources of evil have been fully removed it will be safe again to return these funds to their rightful owners : the whole of humanity.
I will decide on the subject when this will happen : I cannot determine in advance when exactly this will be, all I can say is that it will be determined in a mere second of your time. This time must be exactly right and the possibility is now increasingly becoming a probability as the sources of evil and the dark forces are as good as eradicated now. All in all there is a lot at stake and your safety is my top priority in this moment! Rest assured and have faith : you will certainly have the experience of this in these times of your incarnation.
We have moved very close now to a breakthrough of NESARA. By the way, NESARA is far more than just the World Trust Fund which in itself is only a part of NESARA. In general, NESARA is the freedom of humanity, the rediscovery of yourself, of your abilities, of your perceptions and of your connections with your Galactic Self and your family, which in itself has to do with Disclosure, NESARA also refers to having faith in yourself and in each other, in the perfect society in Love and Harmony. NESARA also implies a more refined and Higher Technology and a broader scale of scientific and spiritual knowledge. All this and more pertains to NESARA and it is the birthright of every human being! Hence my presence alongside you and the reason why I return it all to humanity.
This is also a global process for which I have worked for a very long time : many steps have gone awry in the past but with the removal of the most hazardous darkness, the way shall be cleared for this. I do not give any dates nor even a timeframe but let me ascertain you that it all draws nearer and that the first steps of this process have already been taken. President Obama plays a major role in this and with each passing day he gets more power to bring these issues to fruition. You have to confide in this president as he is the one that might get the job done, he works tirelessly to bring it forward; he is my ally in the matter of NESARA and in so much more and he knows all too well what is in store for him.
The last hidden veils have to be removed now before the playing field can be leveled, in consultation with the Collective of Humanity and than a big hope will well up in your hearts. Humanity is doing a great job of cleaning up the redundant rubbish, the latter referring to the personal, as well as the old collective patterns and even in these issues I ask you to give it time : you are actively involved in this and the finishing line of this is in sight.
I am fully aware that you had to wait a long time for this : but rest assured that I pursue the same goals as your hearts do ; but I also take you into account and that is why I have to be absolutely certain that the collective hearts are co-creating this in all safety and in all freedom. This freedom has now begun and gradually will take on its own forms, so you may absolutely expect the breaking through of NESARA and that part known as the World Trust Fund will also get its turn. However, I must insist that you let go of all timeframes in this regards and to release all expectations because that attitude can counteract my efforts when every soul independently places his/her own manifestations and expectations of a possible timeframe on this! This can only lead to differences and setbacks. Only create in the NOW, without expectation and just BE and feel Love.
I put my whole Being into this project as I love you all so very much and I so long to see your hearts fully liberated… This too is my goal and my mission to which I gladly give my soul. So trust me completely : Saint Germain knows what he is doing for the well-being of all of you! Feel free to give your support to me for this whole project by being faithful and remaining positive, keeping in mind that you assist me by letting go and by being and experiencing yourself in each NOW moment. It is just a matter of simply being and releasing. It will come to pass and when you take afore-mentioned advice to heart you assist me greatly.
A word of warning as to the so-called ‘Pre-Nesara funds’ as there is no such thing as an application in advance and certainly not by means of filling in a form which requests you hand over all your personal data. By filling in that form you put yourself in a vulnerable, weak position by putting your cards on the table for the dark ones to see. Such things do not pertain to my NESARA : it is a misleading project! So be extremely cautious! NESARA will come to pass for every individual on the exact same time : there are no favourites and you are not required to introduce yourself. We know all too well who you are in your Presences and everyone will receive their rightful part in all freedom and this will be so for all of you and only through me! I am the supervisor of the NESARA project and I guard it wholeheartedly. Take good care of each other and be present on Earth in your Light and in your Love; form the necessary groups, take the necessary steps and get on with your mission! With much Love I greet you all.
I put my whole Being into this project as I love you all so very much and I so long to see your hearts fully liberated… This too is my goal and my mission to which I gladly give my soul. So trust me completely : Saint Germain knows what he is doing for the well-being of all of you! Feel free to give your support to me for this whole project by being faithful and remaining positive, keeping in mind that you assist me by letting go and by being and experiencing yourself in each NOW moment. It is just a matter of simply being and releasing. It will come to pass and when you take afore-mentioned advice to heart you assist me greatly.
A word of warning as to the so-called ‘Pre-Nesara funds’ as there is no such thing as an application in advance and certainly not by means of filling in a form which requests you hand over all your personal data. By filling in that form you put yourself in a vulnerable, weak position by putting your cards on the table for the dark ones to see. Such things do not pertain to my NESARA : it is a misleading project! So be extremely cautious! NESARA will come to pass for every individual on the exact same time : there are no favourites and you are not required to introduce yourself. We know all too well who you are in your Presences and everyone will receive their rightful part in all freedom and this will be so for all of you and only through me! I am the supervisor of the NESARA project and I guard it wholeheartedly. Take good care of each other and be present on Earth in your Light and in your Love; form the necessary groups, take the necessary steps and get on with your mission! With much Love I greet you all.
I AM that I AM
Saint Germain
Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and as Homepage
super,on nous prend pour des british hé bien merde alors
aller good leuk
Merci de m'envoyer vos news. Amitiés, Nadia
Voiçi la traduction d'un article trouvé sur
"NESARA signifie: Le National Economic Security and Reformation Act
ZEROES OUT (pardonne) ALL carte de crédit, Auto, personnelle, l'éducation, et de la dette de prêt hypothécaire
comme un remède pour les années de fraudes bancaires!
ABOLIT l'IRS! Collections d'impôt cesser immédiatement. Crée un revenu sur la taxe de vente
non essentiels de nouveaux articles seulement à financer les opérations gouvernementales légitimes.
Crée un Trésor américain Bank System; Absorbe la Réserve fédérale; questions nouvelles métaux précieux monnaie garantie! Élimine définitivement l'inflation!
Restaure la loi constitutionnelle; requalifie les fonctionnaires à respecter le droit constitutionnel, y compris l'application des lois,
les tribunaux et les organismes gouvernementaux restants!
Exige la démission immédiate de l'administration actuelle. Président constitutionnellement acceptable et
Vice-président Désigne prendra ses fonctions. De nouvelles élections auront lieu 120 jours après le jour de l'annonce!
Nécessite le président désigné de déclarer la paix immédiatement fin à toutes les actions agressives de l'armée américaine.
Cela favorise les changements bancaires ci-dessus doit avoir lieu au niveau international. De nombreuses améliorations plus bénéfiques à
suivi dans le monde entier.
Né à la suite de la Cour suprême américaine en 1993 par décisions, NESARA a confirmé les charges des agriculteurs de l'Union que les banques américaines ont été frauduleusement forclusion d'hypothèques agricoles et que le gouvernement américain était en collusion avec ces banques.
Établi que reformations, NESARA a été adoptée secrètement en Mars 2000 et promulguée par Bill Clinton en Octobre 2000.
Bâillons strictes étaient en vigueur dès le début, mais les nouvelles de passage NESARA a commencé à venir à partir des contacts américains du renseignement naval à Juin, 2000. Maintenant, des milliers de gens savent à propos de NESARA.
Les juges de la Cour suprême des États-Unis ont besoin d'entendre que nous Américains sont favorables à la vraie loi NESARA. Le soutien du public aidera les juges de simplifier le processus pour obtenir cette loi annoncé et mis en œuvre sans plus tarder!
NESARA sera la première action économique mondial à mettre plus d'argent dans vos poches, apporter la paix et la restauration instantanée Dieu nous a donnée LIBERTES. Toutes les nations seront bientôt emboîter le pas!
Écrire une carte postale 23 cent à la Cour suprême américaine. Exhorter les juges de faire l'annonce officielle NESARA immédiatement. Ils sont en attente d'avoir de vos nouvelles.
Envoyez votre carte postale à:
Cour suprême américaine
Une première rue
Washington, DC 20543
Pour obtenir tous les détails et mises à jour quotidiennes NESARA, ainsi que des entrevues radiophoniques archivés, allez à
Copier ou imprimer cette FLYER et le remettre à la famille, les amis, tout le monde! NESARA entre en vigueur DÈS QUE soit annoncée publiquement. La demande Ce MAINTENANT. C'est votre droit!
Les gens ONZE Ways peut confirmer la vraie loi NESARA!
Parce que beaucoup de gens directement impliqués dans les préparatifs NESARA ont signé des accords de secret qui mettent leur carrière et leur vie sur la ligne, ils ne feront que confirmer NESARA à des amis de confiance personnelle.
Voici 11 choses que les gens veulent confirmer NESARA pour eux-mêmes peuvent faire pour rechercher le fait de la vraie loi NESARA:
1. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec un Président de la Banque, demander au Président de la Banque pour le secteur privé confirment le fait que les responsables américains de la banque ont été au courant du système bancaire américain au Trésor depuis plus d'une année et valider le projet "Rainbow "qui est la nouvelle monnaie du Trésor américain.
2. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec quelqu'un qui travaille dans la gestion au niveau des banques fédérales de réserve, demandez à cette personne de manière confidentielle confirmer que le nouveau système américain au Trésor, la Banque est imminente.
3. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec un courtier en valeurs mobilières cadre ou de gérant d'un bureau de courtage d'actions, demandez-leur de confidentialité confirmer qu'ils ont été informés sur le nouveau système américain du Trésor de la Banque. (Il ya plusieurs mois, mon ami courtier principal de 20 ans m'a dit qu'ils avaient été informés sur le système bancaire américain au Trésor.)
4. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a un ami très proche qui est un Navy Seal, demandez-leur de confidentialité confirmer le fait de la vraie loi NESARA. Environ 90% des Navy Seals sont conscients de la vraie loi NESARA et faire des devoirs pour aider à mener des activités à l'appui de NESARA. Certains, mais pas tous, membres d'unités de la Delta Force et des autres forces spéciales de l'armée américaine aussi connaître la vraie loi NESARA.
5. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a un ami très proche qui travaille pour le département américain du Trésor, dans certains départements, tels que l'impression de la monnaie, il est possible de confirmer que la nouvelle "Rainbow" monnaie a déjà été imprimé et est en attente de sera distribué après l'annonce de NESARA vraie loi.
6. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) connaît personnellement un membre du Parlement allemand qui passent des lois pour l'Allemagne, l'Allemagne a officiellement «approuvé» de son alliance avec la vraie loi NESARA il ya quelques mois et c'était à la radio et nouvelles à la télévision. Tous les grands pays ont vu leurs assemblées nationales voter pour leur «alliance» avec la vraie loi NESARA en raison de la grande «loi bancaire international« Les changements que NESARA initie.
7. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) connaissent une personne qui vit en Allemagne et accorde une attention aux nouvelles, ils peuvent vous dire que NESARA est discuté ouvertement dans leurs médias.
8. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec les responsables de la Banque centrale européenne, la banque centrale de la zone euro, leur demander de confirmer leur confidentialité connaissance de la vraie loi NESARA.
9. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec les membres du Parlement britannique, demandez-leur de confidentialité confirmer leur connaissance de la vraie loi NESARA. Le Parlement britannique a officiellement «approuvé» son alliance avec la vraie loi NESARA la fin de 2001.
10. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec certains membres du Congrès américain, «certains» membres sont chevaliers blancs et ont confirmé de manière confidentielle à des amis proches personnelles que la vraie loi NESARA existe et devrait être annoncé;
11. Si vous (ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez) a une relation personnelle étroite avec un cambiste, certains cambistes ont confirmé connaissance du nouveau système du Trésor américain et la monnaie de la Banque du Trésor.
VISITE pour plus de détails sur NESARA ..."
Bonne soirée.
Sabrina regarde ce site il correspond a quelques chose prêt au NESARA, je crois même que ce serait le plan B. One Peoples Public Thrust ils ont de façon légale accès a d'énorme somme d'argent placé en fiducie depuis 1776. Vous y trouverez beaucoup d'autres infos, un site a visiter régulièrement car ils ont de nouvelle mise a jour concernent les accusations au criminel pour génocide, plusieurs noms comme l'ex Pape et Premier Ministre du Canada, la Reine d'Angleterre et d'autres, tout ce monde ont eu jusqu'à aujourd'hui minuit pour se rendre aux autorités, apprêt ce délais ils iront les chercher.
Pas un mot de tout ça parait dans les médias, pourquoi?
Ah bon.... aujourd'hui à minuit... juste le jour où je poste ceci....
Merci pour l'info.